If you're not seeing the fitness results you want, it could be because of what you're doing outside the gym!
Proper diet accounts for about 80% of your muscle gain or weight loss progress, while exercise only accounts for 20%. A professional nutrition coach at Lions Fitness can help you tweak your diet so your hard work at the gym pays off.
We understand that our clients have different goals which is why we offer a flexible nutritional coaching program. We'll recommend which foods to eat and which to avoid to help you build healthy eating habits. Call Lions Fitness in St. Cloud, MN today for details.
As part of our nutritional coaching program, we'll give you educational resources to support our advice. We require our coaches to follow all laws and regulations regarding nutritional counseling and the distribution of nutrition information. This information isn't designed to help you prevent, treat or manage any medical condition. It's also not intended to be a prescribed meal plan. If that's what you're looking for, we'd be happy to point you in the right direction.
If you're eager to learn how to develop eating habits that complement your workout routine, call Lions Fitness to speak with a professional nutrition coach in St. Cloud, MN today.